My Presentation for Bussiness English

为商务英语课做的一个 Presentation, 这是后续的说明文档…一共做了两个 PHP 页面 (极其简陋), 一个 Flash Slideshow, 一份 DOC

还有一份 Flash 做的 Slideshow 个人觉得还不错的, 因为包含了背景音乐就不发上来了.

嗯, 看来以后要多用 Flash 做幻灯片才是, 表达能力真的比 PPT 强上许多! 以下是自己写的产品说明书 DOC, 当然是 Demo 啦, 没空做真品:-)

遗憾的是表演过程中出现了 N 多的变量…


Instructions for C++ Program Corrector

  1. The Login Window, only with the right username and password can you login our system:

  1. After logging in our system, there is a text area for writing down user’s code:

    (The button on the left is “Try it” which means try to translate the code to program and the right is “Reset” which means clear the text area.)

  2. Now type in some codes (showed in below) into the text area:

    (If you major in Information and Computation Science as we do, it is easier for you to understand the codes above. You can skip it. The codes tell the computer to show “Hello, Damon” in the screen)
  3. Click the button “Try it!” and our system returns the feedback:

  4. Click the link below and download the program, then launch it:

This is the END. Enjoy our product and enjoy programming!

2 评论

  1. 看到商务英语我激动了那么一小会,我室友说她大三要考,正邀请我和她去学新东方呢。


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